Call it infatuation. Obsession. Ilussion. Call it a dream, a nightmare. Call it love!
Love, it’s undefined. For many centuries, no one has ever uttered what is the exact definition about love. For others it’s a permanent feeling of being able to share; for some, it is truly undefined.
I have felt a very special love to someone right now, but I don’t know if this is truly the love that I am seeking or it will just pause for awhile and let me feel it or will it extend in time?
I have been through countless heartaches because of this undefined abstract thing called “Love” and I don’t want to happen that to me again if ever I have to fix up my mind and say that sweet “yes” to him.
I have solicited information from my adviser of famous technological address.
Gila Manolson on “What is Love?” shared that “Many believe love is a sensation that magically generates when Mr. or Ms. Right appears. No wonder so many people are single.”
I was in a bit of a pause and recapitulate what truth she’s saying. Is there Mr. or Ms. Right?
Little Arleen is confused on what calls her for destiny, if she will be into blessed singleness or to spread her wings and prepare to love, marriage life.
Little Arleen is afraid to be hurt again. She needs to be exact of what her choices will lead her. For “choices” from a famous site says that one should “Choose wisely.”
Little Arleen has hearing all those advices and has gathered every bit of it as she prepares for love. But often she is always longing for Mr. Right. Is there really Mr. Right? How could she be able to have him? Where is he right now?