I usually eat a lot during weekends especially during Saturdays or Sundays. During weekdays, I;m busy at work and this reminded me not to eat much, instead I do forget to eat plenty. But weekends, it's my break!
Now, I have to be moderate then. I have read this health article form a magazine that says if your're trying to drop pounds and your jeans aren't getting any looser, take a closer look at your weekend meals. "Our meals schedules are less structured then, so we may relax and treat ourselves to richer foods or eat more without realizing it," says study author Susan B. Racette, Ph.D., assistant professor at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Loius.
I always think weekends are my break. Not anymore now. After all Ms. Racette is right. I have to plan Saturday treats with healthy foods so that I will not suffer gaining weight.
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