Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sample Article (Distinguishing Main Idea and Supporting Details)

The moment my teacher introduced in the class about the topic, Distinguishing the Main Idea and the Supporting Details, I find it more difficult because at first, it is so hard for me to identify them.

After so numerous research and readings, I have found an article that will help you (as it helps me) also in identifying the main idea and its supporting details. This is the sample article that I have known as I have my researched on that topic which I got from Teodoro F. Valencia, a Filipino writer.

You will be guided with the outline form which is shown after the article below. You will provide the blank portion with your own answer which you can find in the sample article. The rest are clues that will serve as a guide.  

by Teodoro F. Valencia

The dictionary defines discipline as “training that develops self-control, character or orderliness and efficiency.” It can be fun if those who are eager to derive some discipline and those who will obey can get in the spirit of the things.

Have you seen those flying aces doing their acrobatics? Or crack division marching in clock-like precision? Or a well-oiled basketball team executing a set play? Or the individual acrobatics expert holding a whole stadium in awe? That’s discipline at its best. It’s fun for everybody in the team, for the individual artists, too. The breakdown of that kind of discipline may mean personal disaster for the acrobat, the flying ace, or even the soldier who falls out of step.

Even the best basketball players who don’t have teamwork can lose to mediocre team of disciplined team players. The best armed troops won’t be worth watching if they can’t parade in precise marching order – they will awe but won’t excite any hurrahs.

Countries that have discipline need not be countries held under the heel of a tyrant or a conqueror. They are usually progressive countries able to pursue national objectives.

The country without discipline will perish. That’s why all government need a constitution, laws, rules and regulations, and guiding authority and national objectives to be pursued.

Discipline need to mean punishment for a wrong doing. It can mean togetherness in the achievement of a common purpose. It means a general atmosphere of wanting to obey orderly procedures, to follow the laws, and to do the do’s with a minimum of doing the do nots. If we feel into the act we could enjoy national discipline – and profit by it.

The Sample Structure of the article “Discipline”

I. Rewards of discipline
A. Self-control

II. People with discipline

III. Results of loss of discipline
D. Loss of admiration

A. Need to be ruled by a tyrant

V. Goals of national discipline
A. National unity

I hope that this sample article will help you learn the main idea and the supporting details in a simpler way. There are numerous samples in various reading selections for you to master the topic.

Happy learning!

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