Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Birthday, Ate Inday!

Today is a double celebration. It is Mother's Day and it is also the birthday of my Ate Inday.
Celebrating the birthday of Ate Inday is just so simple. We went to the church to hear the Words of God. We say our individual prayer and we greeted Ate Inday, a Happy Birthday. I hugged and say, "I love you". After the mass, we bought Ate, ''Lechon Manok'' and for Mama, we bought her flowers.

Never slipping the moment away is savoring the important and significant ocassion not to pass without even making the most out of it even though the celebration is not the expensive type. What is important is to celebrate it with love, care and happiness.
Sharing this moment with Ate Inday as she celebrates her birthday and to remember Mama on this Mother's Day are two important events that define how wonderful life is. That, in spite of life's challenges, we still know how to spend the celebration with smiles, hugs, laughters, love, care and happiness all around.

The way one makes every moment treasurable is just within reach, whether the celebration is grand or not, what is very important is that you spend it with love.

Happy Birthday, Ate Inday! You know how much love you. :-)

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