Saturday, October 2, 2010

Good school environment spells quality facilities.

I had this tremendous experience last week when I went to the school where my friend's child was enrolled. There were lots of pupils who were getting inside the school. As they proceed from the entrance to their respective classroom, there is this one pupil whom I caught extra attention with. It is not about the shoes nor the uniform she's wearing, but I was impressed by the design of her kid's backpack. It is colorful and stylish. The design is really that enticing because it really captures the attention of the people. Then, I told my friend that next time, it would be best that she will be going to buy a new bag for her kid with the same brand as that bag.

What amused me also is the personalized duffle bag that is so cute, colorful and attention-grabber thing. The design is filled with many colors and artistic designs that is really intended for children. It is a kind of bag that could market huge pace of marketing aspect which could get the attention of every parent. If I would have really a child, I could then be able to buy like that for him or her. It is really pretty amazing.

On the other hand, as we went outside the school and we are about to go to take our ride, we walked at the open field and we are so amazed that the lawn of the school is beautifully landscaped and is very clean. We talked to the mower who does the work in clearing the ground. I asked him about the ways on how the school keep its surroundings extra exotic and super clean. It is with the help of Dallas lawn maintenance that made the ground appear sophisticated and elegant.

Indeed, we then can say that with these elements and vital things at hand, a school can't go on with its quality education unless all the things are in good-build, well-facilitated and well-established with all the needed things at hand.

Then my friends and I went home and we unwind in their home.

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