Friday, August 23, 2013

RLE 20 - Community Health Nursing (Labor Watch) The best experience EVER!

Yesterday, it was the best experience for I have witnessed the real scenario of the pregnant women who is delivering her baby. It was my first time to hear the cry of the baby as she was delivered from her mother's womb. It was my first time to see the real placenta, the rupture of the membrane (bag of water), the amniotic fluid dripping through the mother's vaginal orifice, the umbilical cord, blood that is coming out from the vagina, etc. Life is indeed a miracle!

We arrived at Puntod Barangay Health Center at about 7:30 in the morning and there was this pregnant woman who is already there in the Health Center at 1 a.m. because she is about to deliver her baby. Yesterday is the time for her delivery. At that moment at 1 a.m., her IE is 7 cm.

Our instructor, Prof. Fredelina S. Chua, RN, MN, told us (Group 1), of who is going to watch the delivery. Me and Cylyn Cagasan volunteered. We are so excited to wear our scrub suit because it is our first time to really watch a pregnant woman who will deliver her baby. It is also our first time to wear the suit.

Upon opening the door in the delivery room, we have seen the pregnant mother who is kneeling on the floor because she can't bear the pain no matter how she rubbed her back at the sacral area. Good thing that her husband is there to give comfort as well.

Seeing the woman who is in pain is really a pitiful one. I know that she experienced the extreme pain because her face is in total grimace. We rubbed gently her back as I also took the duration and interval of the contraction.

I asked the pregnant woman to tell me when she experienced the total pain and when does the pain subsides. The duration is 1 minute and 24 seconds time (first take) and the interval is 20 seconds. It was so fast. The spacing of her contraction is just so near. It is like an intermittent feeling. But the time changes gradually. It is not fixed.

The patient is in her gravida 2. She has a daughter who is 2 years old now and her child is also in the center with his father.

At 9:45 a.m., the pregnant women is lying in the bed in a lithotomy position. The Registered Nurse do the I.E and it was 2 cm. She told us that the mother is really nearing to her delivery.

At 10:00 am, the "poo poo" appeared first and then afterwards, the bag of water ruptured. With the effort of the mother to push, the baby was delivered normally at 10:20 a.m. The baby girl is healthy.

It was really my first time to see little volume of blood dripping out from the mother's vaginal orifice, the rupture of the placenta, the umbilical cord, etc.

The baby at first is colored like she is powder-like (white). Then, she gradually turned pinkish. She is so cute and tiny. She cries very loud. She is really like a little angel.

The mother was in relief after the delivery, but the nurse do episiorraphy because there was a slight laceration in her perineum. She was in anesthesia while the nurse performed the procedure.

The baby is placed at the tummy of the mother - "Unang yakap" so that there is a connection between the mother and the child. A kind of bond that extraordinarily be felt between them. It explains the love and care of the mother to her child.

The one who is assigned in the cord care is considered sterile. She is wearing sterile gloves. He should not touched anything around the field. He is not advised to help, getting things while the procedure of delivery is in process. He should be alertly waiting for her turn to do the cord care. That is why, he is like a robot. The hands with sterile gloves should lift at the upper portion of the body, on the chest area. Below the half of the body is considered not sterile.

The one in-charge for the "Assist" is going to pay attention what the nurses will command him to do. He is also wearing sterile gloves so with the in-charge in the "handle".

All of us there are observing safety precautions. Me and Cylyn are wearing glean gloves. We just assist the mother in providing her with comfort and supporting her when she goes to bed.

After the delivery, the mother is comfortably lying in the bed. She is not allowed to stand for she will collapsed because of the blood loss.

It was my first time to see a huge diaper as well.

The experience is really grand. I can't totally put everything in details because the event is just happening. All I know is I will really not forget this very first exposure that I have in the DR (Delivery Room).

Once the situation happens, prioritization is a must. Common sense and focus should always be the armor at all times. Then, I have thought, how was my mother feels when she gave birth to me before.

Indeed, women are precious. Mothers should be taken care of. Women should be loved. It is not easy to see how painful it is for pregnant women who is in labor. Good thing that the patient is in her gravida 2. How much more if it is her primigravida?

Now, I was like floating to feel the scenario. I want to witness that kind of experience again. I was like in the state of being in the situation even until now. I was not able to sleep well. I was all the time thinking of the scene. It is like coming back and forth.

It adds more my confidence.

Indeed, God is so powerful. He is really amazing for He plans that everything has its own placement, everything has its own time, everything is indeed unfathomable.

Life is absolutely a gift!

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