Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Questioning for Understanding

From the Understanding by Design (UBD) of the way of instructing learning, here are some guide questions to fully direct what interrogations best for this type of understanding.

What is the key idea in...?
What are examples of...?
What are the characteristics and parts of...?
What caused... What are the effects of...?
How might we prove, confirm, justify...?
How is ________ connected to...?
What might happen if...?
What are the common misconceptions about...?
How did this come about? Why is this so?

What is the meaning of...?
What are the implications of...?
What does ________________ reveal about....?
How is __________ like ___________(analogy or metaphor)?
How does ________________________relate to me or us?
So what? Why does it matter?

How is ___________ applied in the larger world?
How might ___________ help us to...?
How could we use ______________ to overcome....?
How and when can we use this (knowledge or process)?

What are different points of view about...?
How might this look from...'s perspective?
How is ___________ similar to or different from...?
What are other possible reactions to...?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of...?
What are the limits of...?
What is the evidence for...?
Is the evidence reliable? sufficient?

What would it be like to walk in....'s shoes?
How might ____________ feel about...?
How might we reach an understanding about...?
What was __________ trying to make us feel and see?

How do I know...?
What are the limits of my knowledge about...?
What are my "blind spots" about...?
How can I best show...?
How are my views about__________ shaped by ____________?
What are my strengths and weaknesses in...?

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