Monday, February 6, 2012

Missing Someone (February 14, 2012)

Why in this time of February when 14th is nearly approaching, it drives me to miss someone, the person whom I love, but is now in the hands of someone else. 

February14, the Heart's Day, the Valentines Day. Now, the coming days passing through reminded me of the call of love, love, love. I hate it because I don't want to remember the love and its pain that I went through. 

The television program starts advertising love promos and getaways, newspapers views love venues and fun love stuff. Radio airs love atmosphere and love drives. FM stations play love songs, love series and love stories. I don't want to remember all those love thing. I just want to be isolated with those love stuff. I just want to skip 14th. I want that it will be discarded from the calendar. I don't want to feel its air. 

I hope that my 14th will be okay. I hope that someone will surprise me. I hope that someone will remember me. I hope that someone will send me messages. I hope someone will make me feel alright. 

It is so hard to be alone in this day, but accepting the bitter fact is the thing that I should face. There is now way out but to feel its existence. I hope that the Lord will make me feel okay.

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